Most likely to accept your guest post request. Alexa rank - alexa ranking can give you an understanding of the traffic flow of a particular domain. Unlike da, Kuwait Phone Number List here the standardization differs. Lower the alexa ranking, increase the traffic the site Kuwait Phone Number List receives. For a moment, the site with an alexa score below 1000 will have more traffic than a site with an alexa score of 10000. Pbn- it is a kind of blogging network run by a single owner or a group of people. Basically, these blogs are created intentionally. Being fully active, these pbns can enhance other business sites of the same owner.
It comes under the black hat technique. Since a single person owns these blogs only to boost a earning site. And pbns are used to game search engine results with manipulations. Likely, these pbn sites will have (almost) identical duplicate hosting, themes, website Kuwait Phone Number List design, backlink profile, site ownership, and content. If you suspect such pbn blogs, you should ignore these sites from the start. These are the various factors on which you can choose the real blogs on which you can submit a guest post. But I didn't mean that these are the “perfect” sites to feature. Additionally, you will need to optimize your list to filter out interesting sites
That can make your guest blogging campaign the most beneficial. I am going to walk you through some tricks with which you can search the sorted sites and stick to the best sites for the pitch. Above all, you should post articles on sites that - have high quality blog Kuwait Phone Number List posts and guest posts can value your efforts and offer to follow links in content Kuwait Phone Number List recognize yourself with a neat author bio section can generate a more organic targeted audience are real blogs with a healthy link profile have active social profiles with massive followers to show you, we recently submitted a guest post to